Morgan Westerberg

C/C++ Game Programmer

Winner of Game Concept Challenge 2023

Stranded Engineers

Own engine using C++ and DirectX 11

Toy Tale

Game created in a group of 6 using own engine written in C++ and DirectX 11

DirectX 11 Project

Project done in order to learn more about DirectX 11

About me

Hello, I'm Morgan Westerberg. My journey as a game programmer began with GameMaker Studio at the age of 14, however was paused due to coding hurdles. This passion was rekindled a couple of years later through Unity and Udemy courses and in 2019, I had my first programming course at school. This is when I learned that programming is what I want to work with.

From 2020-2023, I delved into Game Programming at Blekinge Institute of Technology, learning C/C++ and crafting five games that honed my memory optimization and code finesse. These games were built from scratch using SFML and DirectX 11. I'm currently exploring and relearning Unity for a project I am currently working on.

I mainly excel as a programmer, but I have also been a member that creates most of the trailers for our games. Due to having quite good problem solving skills, I rarely give up on a tasks that I have begun implementing. Whenever I get stuck, I look at the problem from several angles, dividing up what needs to be done and what causes the problem. I love working in groups/teams since working with others that share the same passion help fuel my work and will to provide something I am proud of. I am very open to help others in need and often divide up the problem they are having into smaller steps to better explain what needs to be done.


Programming Languages


Game Engines

Own Engines/Frameworks

Other Skills

Video Editing

Other Sofware

Visual Studio / VS Code
Vegas Pro


Blekinge Institue of Technology

Game Programming
August 2020 - June 2023

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